IIT Delhi and corruption

Afte being part of IIT Delhi for over 5 years I have seen things at very close hands. It may again come as a surprise but this institute or so called premier institute of the country is one of the most corrupt instiitute of the country. And the rot starts right at the topmost level and percolates to the babus. HOwever it will be unfair to keep the professors also in the same category as there are quite a sincere and very hard working dedicaed souls . So is the case with students who bring laurels to the institute. bUt then combine the top level with babus and you have got a very egoist, snobbish , corrupt mafia like institute.

Surprised….but so was I when i first saw them …but then u become gradually used to it…..

Keep reading the blog to know specific details about the corrupt practices inside IIT delhi…

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