Learning More about Swine Flu or A H1N1

New Delhi: The Swine Flu or A H1N1 is spreading like a bushfire in India and various parts of the world. While it made a delayed entry into India, it has been successful in creating a panic with 23 deaths and over 1100 infected people so far. Pune has become the epicentre for Swine Flu in India with 15 deaths and over 300 positive cases.
In the wake of this unprecedented pandemic, it’s necessary for all to learn more about the disease and how to prevent Swine Flu or A H1N1.

1. What is Swine Flu?

Swine Flu is nothing to do with pigs or pork. It is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. It has derived the name Swine Flu, as most genes in the a H1N1 virus, are very similar to those found in pigs in North America.

2. Which Countries are affected by Swine Flu?

Swine Flu made its debut in Mexico in April 2009. Later it spread to the US and Canada. Currently, 187 countries including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, New Zealand, UK, Japan, Italy, China, Germany, Thailand, Spain, Malaysia, Colombia and Chile are affected by Swine Flu.

3. What are the Symptoms?

Fever, Cough, Sore Throat, Cold, Running Nose, Vomiting, Headache, Body Pain, Exhaustion.

4. Is Swine Flu contagious?

The Swine Flu is contagious by nature. It can spread from human to human by touching. It spreads through droplets created while coughing.

5. How Swine Flu can be prevented?

It has been advised to maintain a distance of two meters from the infected person. Wear masks, use handkerchief to cover mouth, avoid gathering at public places and wash hands frequently with soap or hand wash. Drinking water and eating good food are also recommended.

6. Medicines for Swine Flu

Take medicines only under the supervision of a Physician. The disease can be prevented in early stages if proper medication is taken.

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