Declaration of CAT-2009 results deferred to February end

The results of Common Admission Test (CAT)-2009 have been deferred to February end, an official statement from convenor of CAT-2009 at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) said here on Saturday.

Earlier, as per the convenor of CAT, the results of admission test were supposed to be declared by this week.

However, the convenor of CAT has not specified any reasons for delay, causing large scale inconvenience to the B-School aspirants across the country.

The students are already late in seeking admissions due to delayed conduction of CAT-2009, which was marred by technical glitches in first phase, and subsequently had to be re-conducted for candidates who faced problems in exam.

Out of the 2.41 lakh students who applied for CAT-2009 over 2.15 lakh students appeared for the admission test that concluded on January 31 last.

Pan-India besides eight IIMs, there are over 120 non-member IIM, management schools registered with CAT, which use the CAT score as criteria for granting admissions