Krishna tells Tharoor who is the boss – Tweet triangle


Krishna was firm and direct with Tharoor during the 30-minute meeting on Wednesday.
After telling his deputy Shashi Tharoor to keep his perceptions over the tightening of visa norms “within the four walls of the ministry”, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna asserted on Wednesday that “everyone has to fall on the same page” once the policy is formulated.

His statement came after Union Home Minister P Chidambaram, who is said to be upset with Tharoor’s remarks, reportedly raised the issue with senior Cabinet colleagues over the past two days. Sources told The Indian Express that Chidambaram referred to the same at the Cabinet Committee on Security on Tuesday as well.

The tweets didn’t go down too well with Cabinet ministers since the government has already shown flexibility by saying that it will “review” the new rules after six months.

“The broad policy parameters are dictated, decided by the Minister in-charge of External Affairs of this country and everyone will have to fall on the same page,” Krishna told reporters on Wednesday when asked if Tharoor and the
External Affairs Ministry were on the same page

over the visa issue. Sources said Krishna was firm

and direct with Tharoor during the 30-minute meeting on Wednesday.

Krishna added that though there could be different perceptions, there is a method and procedure to “sort out” the issues and stressed that he was sure his deputy minister “understands” that. “Whenever new policy comes in effect, there are bound to be repercussions. Broad policy has been decided and we will do what needs to be done in this regard,” Krishna added.

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