The Magic Of Chandrayaan

The Magic Of Chandrayaan


Chandrayaan is India’s first sole Moon mission ever. But it is significant not only in terms of India’s first steps on the Moon but also due to its staggering findings.

One of the most important is the one that proved there is water on that planet.

This country’s first solo mission is remarkable and meaningful as it was then that India’s first footprints appeared on the Moon. It also made several breakthrough discoveries.

It was found during the mission that the Moon generates water. It established that its rock like structures contain iron. And it proved that Apollo did exist.

Thus, the nest step in the Moon quest is to define whether it is suitable for habitation. As NASA recently implemented its plan about Moon surface bombing, it is to come up with new findings and detailed data on water probe. Chandrayaan found that water present on the planet has neither molecular nor moisture or gas form.